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Saint Andrew's strives to be an inclusive, welcoming congregation. Our vision statement says that we are working to "provide a nurturing spiritual home for all" and we really do mean ALL. We live and breathe our statement of inclusivity and open our arms to welcome all of God's children. 

We live our commitment to inclusivity in big and small ways: by our annual participation in Des Moines' Pride Parade, by making our church a safe space for LGBTQ-focused groups to meet, by being intentional about keeping our worship pronouns neutral and inclusive. Finding a church home can be a daunting task, especially if you have felt separate or left out of other churches. Stop by on a Sunday for worship and fellowship and you'll see what we mean when we say ALL are welcome.


Convinced of God's grace, Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church affirms that there can be no exclusiveness in the body of Christ. We welcome all, regardless of race, color, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, gender, ability, culture, socioeconomic standing, education, family configuration, military status, or political perspective; and we encourage the full participation of all in the

life of our congregation.

Our Shared Vision

Saint Andrew’s is a vibrant

community of faith striving to

provide a nurturing spiritual home for all, embracing God’s desire

for justice in the world.

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